テス・ギャラガー「思い出の彼方に輝く夜 」 : 解題と翻訳
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Tess Gallagher's long essay, "A Nightshine Beyond Memory," was first published in the 1998 Philosophy and Literature to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of her late husband and writer, Raymond Carver. This piece is a kind of memoir, an exquisite and delicate literary work in its own right, telling the readers how a person who lost her dearest love could get through the pain and establish a new and intimate communication with the dead, as well as reestablishing her new life with the living. Recently, the influences on Raymond Carver's work have been the topic of discussion among the various critics. Tess Gallagher is doubtlessly one of the main focus points in this criticism. This essay gives us a comprehensive and moving explanation as to how Gallagher and Carver's writings have interacted and amplified each other even after his death. In this article I translate Gallagher's newest essay and would like to introduce to Japanese readers the literary interaction of these two poet-writers through their spirit.
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- テス・ギャラガー「思い出の彼方に輝く夜 」 : 解題と翻訳
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