<研究報告>植物種子発芽時に於けるN代謝の研究(第3報) : アンモニヤ体Nの導入経路について
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As the main pathway by which extracellular ammonium nitrogen may be incorporated to amino-nitrogen of tissue amino acids in higher plants, the following scheme was experimentally established :[figure] a-Ketoglutarate is the only amino-acceptor in the first step reaction catalyzed by L-glutamic dehydrogenase. Pyruvate and oxaloacetate cannot be practically active as the acceptor. The reaction of L-glutamate-pyruvate or-oxaloacetate transamination is remarkably rappid and it is well understood that the incorporation of ammonium nitrogen to L-alanine and L-aspartate is considerably rapid following to that of L-glutamate. No indication to specify L-aspartate by any significant role on the incorpoiaticn of extracellular ammonia was recognized. The authors are grateful to Dr. Yuzuru Okuda, President of this university, for his helpful advice and constant encouragement during this research.
- 福岡女子大学の論文
- 1959-06-30
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