Growth and Reproduction in Four Species of Freshwater Sponges Cultured in Their Natural Surroundings
向井 秀夫
Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Gunma University
向井 秀夫
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Education Gunma University
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- 飯塚 啓(明治元年-昭和13年) : 群馬県出身の動物学者
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- 群馬県産淡水苔虫についての覚え書
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- 二, 三の複合ホヤにおける群体特異性の存在について(発生・内分泌)
- Nonfeeding Culture of Ancestrulae Germinated From Statoblasts of Some Freshwater Bryozoans
- Histocompatibility and Sex Differentiation in a Freshwater Sponge, Heteromeyenia Stepanowii
- Further Studies on the Growth and Sex Differentiation in Four Species of Freshwater Sponges
- Growth and Reproduction in Four Species of Freshwater Sponges Cultured in Their Natural Surroundings
- The Growth of Colonies and the Production of Statoblasts in a Freshwater Bryozoan, Plumatella casmiana
- Field and Laboratory Studies on the Growth of Pectinatella gelatinosa OKA, a Freshwater Bryozoan
- An Anomalous Mode of Statoblast Formation in Fresh-water Bryozoans
- Histological and Histochemical Studies of Two Compound Ascidians, Clavelina lepadiformis and Diazona violacea, with Special Reference to the Trophocytes, Ovary and Pyloric Gland