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Taste preference for the citric acid solution and its effects on pregnancy in rats. Taste preference for the citric acid solution in pregnant rats and its effects on pregnancy have been investigated by the Two-bottle choice method. During 8 days before and 20 days after conception, selection tests were performed, using 0.5, 1.0 or 5.0 mM citric acid solution and deionized water. Pregnancy did not affect sour preference in the rats. In order to examine the effects of citric acid intake on the development of pregnancy, pregnant rats were devided into two groups; small and large, based on the amount of citric acid consumed. There were no differences in food and liquid consumption observed between two groups, but the number of alive fetus and its weight either in total or per head were larger in the large consumed group than the small consumed group.
- 群馬大学の論文
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