高純度超長鎖 n-アルカンの合成と結晶の高次構造
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Higher n-Alkanes (abbr. Cn, n: the number of carbon atoms) in the region that chain folding is found were synthesized by Wurtz condensations with high purity. For C120 and C160, once-folded chain crystals were formed by solution crystallization. Folding of n-alkane molecular chain was found to take place from C120. The long period of layer lamella was 8.2nm for C120 and 10.8nm for C160, of half the extended chain length. In the DSC thermograms of C160 crystals, an exothermic peak indicates recrystallization to extended chain crystal following melting of once-folded chain crystal. The lattice parameters of folded chain cryatal comparison with that of extended chain crystal with similar long period of layer lamella.A-axis of folded chain crystal was larger than that of extended chain crystal.
根本 紀夫
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
占部 美子
占部 美子
九大 工
根本 紀夫
占部 美子
木原 英統
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