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わが国においては1985年以降、農山村だけでなく全国的に地域活性化が大きな課題となってきた。その背景には、国際化とともに、東京圏など大都市への人口集中と農山漁村地域の人口減少、高齢化、農業産業の停滞などがある。そこで本論文では、地域計画論点観点から地域資源を生かした地域活性化と、活性化を達成するための住民参加型の地域計画手法(シャトル・サーベー法、Shuttle Survey Method, SS法と省称)について総合説的に述べることにする。論述の順序としては、第1に、農業・農村活性化論の展開、第2に地域開発の理念及び地域活性化の概念について述べ、第3に地域計画と農村計画の枠組みや計画様式、第4に住民参加型手法の1つであるシャトル・サーベー法について論述し、第5に地域資源を生かした地域活性化計画事例や計画実践・評価問題について考察する。Since 1985, rural community economic revitalization has been a major issue often covering front page of newspapers. It has become a social issue which attracts a lot of pubic affention, and reflects a couple of recent social trends, including the population unbalance resulting from population shifts from rural to urban areas. This demographic trend, in combination with a rapidly aging society and increased competition resulting from market liberalization, has caused an erosion of the local community economic base. Many rural communities in Japan have a lot of potential for economic and socisl development by using their regional resources, including the natural, cultural, human and man-made opportunities for development. However, in reality, despite these advantageous resources, there still have been only a handful of successful examples of rural economic developments in Japan. This small number of successful developments is considered to be attributable to wrong decision-making and planning processes, which ofter failed to involve community leaders, as well as a lack of creative ideas and long-term strategy. In this report, I would like to introduce one survey method I have developed for use during the planning stages. This method is called the Shuttle Survey method (SS Method), which was developed and named by M. Mese. There are three types of decisionmaking process for setting regional goals in Japanese local municipalities; these are the top-down, bottom-up and bottom・up-top・down methods. The SS method generates a bottom・uo-top・down process, which involves all parties, including local citizens, organizations, groups of local bureaucrats as well as city council membersin deciding regional long-term goals. Through this survey, which "shuttles" between different parties, the opinions of all parties are reflected in the final vision.
- 岡山大学の論文
- 1998-02-01
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