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以上の分析結果を要約し結論すると、日本における酪農地域変動の実態とその要因について明らかにした。まず、日本の牛乳消費は国民所得の増大にともない増加してきたことがわかった。そして①酪農地域は牛乳消費の増加の中で当初は人口の多い都市及び都道府県に集中していたが、交通条件の発達により次第に全国に普及し、さらに近年においては産地競争力の強い北海道及び九州等に産地が変動していることが明らか化になった。②酪農の地域変動要因は多様であるが、人口の多い地域から雇用労賃水準や地価の低い地域へ、または生産費の低い地域へ変動していることがわかった。さらには自然的条件の優れた地域へ立地が変動していることが判明した。また、表を用いた分析で1人当り年間牛乳消費量は1人当り年間国民所得と正の関係があることがわかった。したがって、インドネシアにおいてもこのような日本の経験を考慮して産地育成を図っていく必要がある。Recently, in lndonesia, through big increases in milk consumption within the last few years, dairy farming regions have tended to move from big consuming areas to the outskirs. It has become a big problem as to how to create new production areas. so in this paper, at first we will review dairy development and regional movements in Japan. Second, our objective is to make clear what factors are involved in the regional movement of dairy farming. (1)First, we looked over the realities of regional development. The development of dairy farming in Japan has experienced an introduction period, a growing period, and a ripe period, and the number of dairy cattle has increased. From 1960 to 1990, the main production areas which were located near the big cities on a small scale have moved to the suburbs and increased in scale. When we look over the share of dairy cattle, those of Tokyo and Osaka prefecture have decreased and that of remote areas has increased. (2) We have clarified the factors of change in the dairy farming regions clear. We undertook regression analysis for this purpose. In this analysis, the factors of regional change turned out to be as follows. 1) Dividing the whole nation into 9 blocks. The sign of the coefficients of population and numbers of dairy cattle per household are plus. The sign of the coefficient of dairy production costs is negative. 2) Calculation of the whole nation by prefecture. The coefficient of population is almost constant. In contrast with this, the coefficient of employment fee is negative and its absolute value is increasing year by year. (3)Conclusions Dairy farming regions have tended to be concentrated in cities and prefectures whose populations are large, but gradually, they have nationwide spread. Recently, production areas have moved to Hokkaido and Kyusyu, where competitive power is strong. Factors in the regional movement of dairy farming are wage levels, rents production costs, natural conditions and so on.
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