- 論文の詳細を見る
(1) In 1872 the Ministry of Education decided to abandon wasan and adopt yosan in the school system's educational method for arithmetic. The Ministry of Education was going to proceed with wasan, but the plan was transfered to yosan along the way. However, exactly when they decided to adopt wasan and when they changed to yosan is not clear. The first aim of my paper is to clarify this time. Takatomo Yoshikawa, the person in charge, invited Moriyasu Takaku, an authority on wasan, to be a teacher of a primary school. According to Takaku's document, when Takaku asked whether the method of arithmetic should be wasan or yosan, Yoshikawa answered that it should be wasan. As the discussion was held on November 1871, the method of arithmetic seemed to be decided on as wasan during the period from the last of October to the beginning of November 1871. On the other hand, Hissankunmo, edited by Akitake Tsukamoto for the textbook for learning yosan in 1869, is kept in the document made for the textbook for primary schools in April 1872. According to this document, I think that the time of the change to yosan was the period between the last of March and the beginning of April 1872. (2) The Ministry of Education issued notification No.37 that explained learning with both wasan and yosan in April 1873, and made a revision numbered 10 in March 1874. The second aim of my paper is to put a new interpretation on revision No.10. Revision No.10 has been previously interpreted as an instruction for learning with wasan or yosan. However, I think the interpretation is wrong, because Takaku said, "I hadn't heard that wasan had been adopted until the end of 1876." In No.37, the terms yohou and nipponsanjutsu were used respectively for Western and Japanese arithmetic. On the other hand, in revision No.10 yosan and nipponsan were used, and in this case, they have also been believed to mean Western and Japanese arithmetic respectively. However, I believe that yosan signified hissan, calculation with paper and pencil, and nipponsan signified shuzan, calculation using the Japanese abacus (soroban). Consequently, I think revision No.10 represented a new frame that was constructed on the different concept from the previous one in No.37 with respect to arithmetic instruction.
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