- 論文の詳細を見る
The elementary text of arithmetic used broadly in the primary school in the period from 1872 to 1879 was called "Shogaku-Sanjutsu-sho." The influential opinin was that the source of this book was "Intellectual Arithmetic upon the Inductive Method of Instruction "written by Warren Colburn (1793-1833) and based on the intuitivism of Pestalozzi. I tried to compare the "Shogaku-Sanjutsu-sho" to Colburn's text book from the seven points of view as follows ; (1) whether employing the illustrations or not (2) the intoroduction of Arabic numerals (3) the basic calculation (4) the method of the four operations (5) whether employing the figure of numerical sequence or not (6) the intoroduction of the terms and signs of four operations, and equality (7) whether employing the illustrations of fraction or not Since it was clear that the above opinion was not correct as the result of my examination, I investigated other arithmetical texts which were imported to Japan in those days, those are Horatio Nelson Robinson's (1806-1867) texts and Charles Davies' (1789-1876) texts. Though there were a lot of texts written by Robinson and Davies, I was able to discover the following four texts, which are probably the source book of "Shogaku-Sanjutsu-sho." (a) Robinson's Progressive Primary Arithmetic, 1862 (b) Robinson's First Lessons in Mental and Written Arithmetic, 1870 (c) Davies' Primary Arithmetic, 1862 (d) Davies' Intellectual Arithmetic, 1858 According to my examination, the total construction of "Shogaku-Sanjutsu-sho" depends on the text (d), employing some illustrations on the texts (a), (c) and employing the terms and signs of operations on the text (b). All the above four texts also contibute to the description in respect of the points of views (3), (4). "Shogaku-Sanjutsu-sho" made with the above four texts was completed as simple and fruitful text. As the text was very pedagogical, it was used broadly in those days.
- 社団法人日本数学教育学会の論文
- 藤澤利喜太郎の算術教育論をめぐって(I 報告,歴史研究部会,「テーマ別研究部会」発表集録)
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- 劉徽の円周率計算に関する一考察
- G2 「学制」期の各府県における算術教育課程 : 下等小学の場合(G 歴史・文化と数学教育,論文発表の部)
- 『小學算術書』の種本に関する再考証
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- G7 『小學算術書』の種本に関する再考証(2)(G 歴史・文化と数学教育,ポスター発表の部)
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- 『小學算術書』の種本に関する再考証(5.数学教育史,論文発表の部)
- 「学制」期における算術教科書の態様
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- 「学制」期における算術教科書の態様(論文発表の部)
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