- 論文の詳細を見る
This is a preliminary report of the language change among the people in Ogata village in Akita prefecture.Ogata village was created by land reclamation in 1966 as a national project, and its residents were from all overJapan (About half are from Akita prefecture, and the other half are from other areas of Japan. ) Since the people of the second generation are now in the leading roles of the community, the community has developedtheir own variety of Japanese. In this short article, we present an outline of the community and report the resultsof the preliminary survey.
- 秋田大学の論文
- Google Mapsを用いたことばのアンケートシステム
- 秋田における「県民性」言説の創出と再生産
- 神部宏泰著, 『方言の論理-方言にひもとく日本語史-』, 2007年6月10日発行, 和泉書院刊, A5判, 256ページ, 8,500円+税
- 地域言語・方言(2004年・2005年における日本語学界の展望)
- リンクする「方言研究」(日本語学会2005年度春季大会シンポジウム報告)
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- 方言における文法化 : 東北方言の文法化の地域差をめぐって(日本語における文法化・機能語化)
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