- 論文の詳細を見る
The child's right to learn has been attached importance in the theory of 'the people's right to education'.A child is thought to have the possibility to develop, and the rights to grow/develop and learn.In the 1980's, the issues began to occur frequently such as school regulations and corporal punishment.As the result a child has been supposed to have the same human rights as an adult. This paper aimsat studying about the relation between the rights peculiar to a child and the general human rights byexamining the Constitution of Japan, the Fundamental Law of Education and the Convention on theRights of the Child.The following things are the conclusion of this paper.CDThe civil liberties must be guaranteed to a child as same as an adult. The liberties must not be restrictedso far as the other's rights and common good are not violated.@The social rights such as the right to learn are guaranteed to a child as well as an adult, too. Thosecan be restricted as same as the civil liberties.@The child's rights to live and develop are placed on the base of all other rights. Those must not berestricted for the reason of immaturity of a child., but must be given more consideration and protection.
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