Nonstationary vibrations of a rotating shaft with nonlinear spring characteristics during acceleration through critical speeds.
池田 高志
Ishida Yukio
Nagoya University Department Of Electronic Mechanical Engineering
Ishida Yukio
Nagoya University
Ikeda T
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya
Ikeda Takashi
Hiroshima University
Yamamoto Tetsu
Industrial Electronics And Systems Development Lab. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Yamamoto Toshio
Meijo University
Murakami Shin
Nagoya Institute of Technology
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- Nonstationary vibrations of a rotating shaft with nonlinear spring characteristics during acceleration through critical speeds.
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- Nonstationary Vibration of a Rotating Shaft with Nonlinear Spring Characteristics during Acceleration through a Critical Speed : A Critical Speed of a 1/3-Order Subharmonic Oscillation
- Foreword
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- Preface