- 論文の詳細を見る
The differences between the recovery curve (R-curve) and frequency depression curve (FD-curve) for the H-reflexes were studied clinically. Total of 43 patients (66 legs) were tested in this study, including 5 normal (11 legs), 21 with spasticity (37 legs), 10 with rigidity (12 legs), and 6 with cerebellar disturbances (6 legs). The H-reflex elicited by tibial nerve stimulation was recorded from the calf muscle, and the R- and FD-curves were plotted. Muscle tone abnormalities were analyzed clinically on these two curves. In the spastic group, the R-curve displayed an accelerated onset and higher levels than that in normal subjects for the longer interval double stimuli (250-1,100 ms). The FD-curve displayed significantly higher levels than those in normal subjects in the frequency range of 1-20 Hz (p<0.05). In the group with rigidity, the shape of the R-curve was similar to that in the spastic group, displaying accelerated onset and higher levels with longer intervals of 250-1,000 ms. The FD-curve displayed a higher level from lower to higher frequencies (1-40ms) (P<0.05). In patients with the cerebellar disturbance, the R-curve displayed higher levels for long interval double stimuli (500-1,000ms) (P<0.01), and lower levels for medium interval double stimuli (100-125 ms) (P<0.01). However, the FD-curves displayed lower levels at the lower frequencies (1-4 Hz), as well as in the medium to higher frequencies. Various muscle tone abnormalities were analyzed using the data obtained in this study. In conclusion, both the R- and FD-curves should be used to evaluate muscle tone abnormality and determinate pathological conditions in the central nervous system, since the paired stimuli recovery curve (R-curve) demonstrated some inability to differentiate between alpha and gamma system excitabilities.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1994-12-25
- 52 遷延性意識障害者に対するストレッチの効果 : 脳血流量に着目して(理学療法基礎系,一般演題(ポスター発表演題),第43回日本理学療法学術大会)
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