- 論文の詳細を見る
The blink reflex usually presents two components ; R1 and R2. The early reflex component, R1,has a latency range in 8-12 ms. and arises ipsilaterally to the stimulated supraorbital nerve. The late bilateral component, R2,shows a latency range in 35-40 ms. The difference in latency between right and left R1 dose not exceed 1.5 ms. in normal subject. And that between right and left R3 dose not exceed about 8 ms.. The blink reflex especially R2's (direct and consensual) are often absent or depressed in amplitude in the case of supratentrial and infratentrial lesions. Electrically elicited blink reflexes investigated in this study totaled 57,including 20 normal subjects, 6 cases of thalamic lesion (4 cases were hemorrhage, 2 cases were tumors), 4 cases of perithalamic lesion (3 cases were hemorrhage, 1 case was infarction), 8 cases of putaminal lesion (5 cases were hemorrhage, 3 cases were infarction), 11 cases of frontal lobe lesion (6 cases were tumors, 4 cases were hemorrhage, and 1 case was infarction), 4 cases of temporal lobe lesion (3 cases were tumors and 1 case was infarction), and 4 cases of chronic subdural hematoma. CT or/and MRI examination and SSEP recording were also performed in parallel with this study. The late response R2 evoked by electrical stimulation to the supraorbital nerve, contralateral side to the side of hemispheric lesion was absent or suppressed in 25 out of 37 cases. An abnormal R2 was observed in this study in 70% of the thalamic and perithalamic lesions, 75% of the putaminal lesions, 82% of the frontal lobe lesions, 75% of the temporal lobe lesions, and 0% of the chronic subdural hematomas. Thalamus, trigeminal lemniscus as well as bulubar lateral reticular formation of lower brain stem may play important roles in the afferent pathway of the reflex arc of R2. Corticobulbar fiber via pyramidal tract from contralateral lower postcentral region have been advocated by Ongerboer de Visser to play an important role in the efferent pathway of the reflex arc of R2. Furthermore, in our investigation, the corticospinal tract and corticotegmentales fiber might be considered to participate in the efferent pathway of the reflex arc of R2. The abnormal patterns of R2,especially afferent and efferent block, may indicate decreased excitability of the bulbar lateral reticular formation of lower brain stem.
- 1994-12-25
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- 8. 脳内出血に対する新しい治療法 : 神経内視鏡を用いた低侵襲な治療法
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