- 論文の詳細を見る
How the descending and ascending fibers were affected by cordotomy lesion was studied experimentally by the examination of retrogradely labeled cells by retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) in 9 cats. WGA-HRP was injected into the anterolateral funiculus of the upper cervical cord (C2-3) in 7 cats and of the midthoracic cord (T8) in 2 cats. Labeled cells were constantly found in the nucleus of the solitary tract, reticular formation, raphe nucleus, nucleus of the locus coeruleus, parabrachial nucleus, Kolliker-Fuse nucleus, lateral hypothalamic area and posterior hypothalamic area. In addition, some cases showed labeled cells in the retroambigual nucleus, lateral reticular nucleus, cuneiform nucleus, Edinger-Westphal nucleus and medial hypothalamus. These labeled regions have so far been regarded as respiratory-, micturition- and pain modulation-related areas. Labeled cells in the cervical and lumber enlargements were observed in lamina I, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, X. But no labeled cell was found in lamina I in the cases which WGA-HRP injection didn't extended to the dorsolateral funiculus. These observations explain why the cordotomy lesion may induce disturbances in breathing and micturition without proper section of the spinothalamic tract, and recurrence of pain.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1993-12-25
- 1.トルコ鞍内germ-celltumorの1治験例
- 破裂脳動脈瘤における瘤内膜の病態
- 頭蓋内椎骨動脈解離の病態 : くも膜下出血単独発症例とくも膜下出血時梗塞合併例の比較検討
- 内頸動脈硬膜輪近傍動脈瘤に対するクリッピングの工夫
- 25.下肢単麻痺で発症した脳梗奉の3症例
- 痙縮に対するITB療法による治療
- 4.当センターにおける遠方搬入患者の検討 : 和歌山地区を中心に
- 37.気切患者における長期differential lung ventilation(DLV)の治療経験
- 21.鈍的脾臓損傷症例の検討
- 17.当センターにおける有機燐中毒患者の検討
- 20.成人男性で乳汁分泌を伴ったプロラクチノーマの1症例
- 20.非典型的CT像を示したLarge Aneurysm
- CT所見を中心にしてみた脳膿瘍の臨床経過
- 9.虚血性脳血管障害および脳動脈瘤に対するSTA-MCA anastomosis
- ネコ大脳皮質における痛み刺激(フォルマリン)後発現する c-fos 遺伝子
- ネコにおける脊髄cordotomyの下行性および上行性線維に対する影響
- 16.経眼球・経前頭蓋底的に刺入した前頭葉内異物(金属片)の1例
- 14.外傷性浅側頭動脈瘤・浅側頭動静脈瘻
- 20.クリッピング後再破裂した動脈瘤の1例
- 25.高血圧性視床出血に対する定位的血腫吸引術の1例
- 20.多発性硬膜下膿瘍の1治験例
- 17.脊髄硬膜外電気刺激により除痛効果の得られた頸椎脊髄症の1例
- 19.三叉神経痛に対する一根治手術例