- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigated the effects of lung elasticity on the airway in asthma by analyzing the relationship between decreased elastic lung recoil and peripheral airway obstruction in 55 patients with asthma. Factors affecting the severity and intractability of asthma are also discussed. Spirometry was performed, and functional residual capacity (FRC) was determined using the He dilution method. Respiratory impedance (Zrs) was measured by the oscillation method (3Hz). A single N_2 washout curve was obtained to determine closing volume and ⊿N_2/l and volume of isoflow (Visov^^・) and ⊿V^^・_<50> were determined from Air and He-O_2 flow volume (F-V) curves. On the basis of the magnitudes of abnormality of these four parameters, the severity of peripheral airway obstruction was determined for evaluation and used to calculate small airway obstruction (SAO) score, an index of peripheral airway obstruction. Using a Body plethysmograph, spirometry was then performed, and F-V curve, airway resistance and thoracic gas volume were determined. Static pressure-volume curve was obtained using the esophageal balloon method to determine static lung recoil pressure [Pst(1)] at 80% total lung capacity (TLC), specific lung compliance [Cst(1)/FRC], and dynamic compliance. In twenty patients, lung elasticity was measured before and after inhalation of the β_2-stimulant orciprenaline. Changes in lung elasticity and other parameters were analyzed to examine their effect on airway obstruction. The relationships of pulmonary function parameters to severity and type of asthma, dependence on oral steroids, and smoking were examined. 1) There was marked correlation between decrease in elastic lung recoil and severity of peripheral airway obstruction. 2) Elastic lung recoil was markedly decreased in severe asthma. 3) Marked peripheral airway obstruction was observed in severe asthma. 4) There was no significant difference between patients with severe asthma who were dependent on oral steroids and those who were not in severity of peripheral airway obstruction or in decrease in lung elasticity. 5) The effect on lung elasticity of orciprenaline inhalation was not correlated with severity of airway obstruction, and increased Cst(1)/FRC and decreased Pst(1) at 80%TLC were observed. These results suggest that the process by which bronchial asthma become severe or refractory is deeply related to decreasing in lung elasticity.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1991-09-25
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- 34.実験的喘息 : モルモットにおける二相性反応モデル
- 33.ネコ肺還流におけるヒスタミン, メサコリン気管内投与の効果
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