<原著>新しい除痛法としての後根進入部破壊術 : ネコ・サルを用いた痛覚中枢内伝導路線維結合の追跡
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The main pain pathway and fiber connections were anatomically traced out by a series of experiments of dorsal root entry zone lesion (DREZ-lesion) in 21 cats and 2 monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). The ascending projection systems affected by DREZ-lesion were anatomically traced with the aid of Fink-Heimer's degeneration method. Multiple radiofrequency coagulations were made in the dorsal horn of cervical cord of 8 cats and 2 monkeys. The extent of lesions both into the white and the gray matter was estimated in each case. The size and shape of the lesions made within the dorsal horn dependent not only upon coagulation power, but also upon partial damages of cord's superficial vessels. The degenerate axons and terminals in the spinal gray matter were usually observed on the segments from one to four above and below the lesions. These degenerations were seen both in the primary afferent fibers and propriospinal fibers. The terminal degeneration was observed in the lateral cervical nucleus, and the medullary and pontine reticular formation. Furthermore, some degenerate terminals were found in caudal part of the contralateral ventroposterolateral nucleus in monkeys. The descending fiber systems affected by DREZ-lesion were pursued by the retrograde labeling method of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) : WGA-HRP was injected in the cervical dorsal horn of 11 cats, and the retrogradely labeled neurons in the brain stem were observed. The labeled cells were found constantly in the raphe nucleus, magnocellular tegmental field, parabrachial nucleus, coeruleus nucleus, Kolliker-Fuse nucleus and Edinger-Westphal nucleus. These results show that DREZ-lesion can affect the main pain pathway, namely the spinothalamic fibers, and moreover interrupt the spino-cervico-(thalamic) fibers, spinoreticular fibers and propriospinal fibers that have been proposed as accessory pain pathways. Thus, it is suggested which DREZ-lesion offers a selective segmental analgesic effect by shutting off ascending pain signals in the spinal cord. On the other hand, DREZ-lesion would cut off some descending fiber systems as regards the intrinsic pain modulating systems.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1988-09-25
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- 新しい除痛法としての後根進入部破壊術 : ネコ・サルを用いた痛覚中枢内伝導路線維結合の追跡
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