<原著>ラットの結腸間有茎移植回腸上皮における組織学的および細胞動態学的研究 : DMH発癌の促進要因について
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It was found in our previous report that pedicled ileal segments transposed into the colon had an undoubted tendency to develop adenocarcinoma in the rat experiment with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine dihydrochloride (DMH), while the normal ileum has been reported to have the resistance against carcinogenesis. In order to clarify carcinogenic tendency of the transposed ileal segments, histological and cell kinetic changes of the pedicled transposed ileal segments without DMH were studied and the results are described in this report. Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups : 1) transposed operation group ; an ileal segment was transposed into the distal colon, 2) sham transposed operation group ; an ileal segment was transected and reanastomosed in the same place and, 3) the third group served as the normal control. Cell kinetic study was performed by using labeling index (LI), mitotic index (MI), cell cycle, migration rate (MR), transit time (TT), and growth fraction (GF) with pulse labeling methods using ^3H-thymidine uptake. It was found that the number of crypt and villous epithelial cells was increased and the number of Paneth cells was reduced in pedicled transposed ileal segments. MI and LI in the transposed ileal segments were increased, compared with the normal ileum and the ileum of sham transposed operation. The proliferating zone was widened. Cell cycle time and DNA synthesizing time were prolonged. GF and MR were increased, and TT was shortened. The transposed ileal segments have similar cell kinetics to the normal ileum, more or less with hyperplastic tendency, than that of the normal ileum and the ileum of sham transposed operation. This hyperplastic tendency was deemed to be one of the promoting factors of carcinogenesis.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1985-09-25
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- ラットの結腸間有茎移植回腸上皮における組織学的および細胞動態学的研究 : DMH発癌の促進要因について