- 論文の詳細を見る
Gogi (word-meaning) aphasia which was reported by Imura (1943) is reported in this paper. The patient was a 73-year-old right-handed president of a company. On June 4,1978,suddenly he preserved same sentences, and showed difficulties in understanding. On June 6,1978,the patient was admitted to Kinki University Hospital. Neurological and physical examination showed no remarkable findings. On admission mental state was unstable and was gradually stable about one month later. Linguistic impairment : In spontaneous speech frequent usage of the idiomatic phrases, paraphasia, and confusion of contex of sentence are characteristic. Uuderstanding spoken language is very impaired. In reading and writing Kanji character is selectively impaired compared with Kana character and the patient used Kanji character in the sentence only phonetically which is primarily used idiographically. We discussed that it might be of great value to regard Gogi aphasia as a separated type in the transcortical sensory aphasia. About the lesion, in this case brain CT scanning showed the mild diffuse atrophy of cortex and a large low density area in left temporal lobe. Compared other reports about the lesion, we considered that left temporal lobe might play an important role in Gogi aphasia.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1980-12-25
- 2E-9 クローン病に合併した症候性てんかんの一症例
- 1F-11 半球間で移動する周期性片側性てんかん様放電を呈した脳血管障害の一症例
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- 24.腹大動脈の石灰化を呈し, 脳循環代謝改善剤が奏効した老年精神病の2症例
- I-A-14 てんかん発作の誘因について : 小児と成人の比較
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- 15.血中抗てんかん剤濃度測定法に関する検討
- 13.語義失語について
- 14.分裂病様症状を呈した側頭葉てんかん児について
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- ID-17 複雑部分発作重積状態(CPSE)を周期的に繰り返した高年齢の一症例 : 臨床経過とCPSEの分類について
- 15.退行期うつ病の心理的背景
- 低IgA血症とてんかん
- II-C-3 多彩な分裂病様症状と脳波所見を示した一症例について
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- 16.性ホルモンが著効を示した思春期の周期性精神病の一症例
- 躁病像を呈した外傷性脳内血腫の一症例
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- 思春期精神障害における脳波所見について : 脳波所見と精神症状の関連について
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- 7.クロイツフェルト : ヤコブ病の一剖検例