- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Purpose This study aimed at elucidating the relation between the changes in independence level in basic ADL over a one-year-and-half period and health and welfare services in frail elderly people living at home. 2. Subjects and Methods An actual health and welfare conditions survey was conducted on the people at the ages ob more than 65 in a local town with a population of 15,787 in Fukuoka Prefecture on July 1998. The result showed that there were 187 disabled, frail elderly people (68 males and 119 females) living at home. One year and half later a follow-up survey was conducted on these individuals. Out of including the 187, 60 were excluded due to unavailability, and the subjects were 127 (46 males and 81 females). Survey contents were basic ADL (walking, eating, toilet, bathing, and dressing), medical history, subjective symptoms, and health and welfare services. 3. Results 1) Changes in basic ADL in the 18-month period showed that more males declined independence level than females, and walking activity showed the most conspicuous decline in both males and females. Overall, roughly 20% of the males and roughly 5% of the females had some assistance in daily living. 2) Improvement in basic ADL in 18 months was noted with 10 males (21.7%) and 6 females (7.4%). 3) The use of health and welfare services (home help, day-care, rental of daily living equipment, and visiting nursing care) increased. There was no relation between the changes in basic ADL and the increased use of day-care services. 4. Discussion This study indicated that frail elderly people living at home are prone to decline in the independence level in basic ADL in short period of time. Sex difference was indicated, with the males having a lower independence level in basic ADL than females. No relation was found between health and welfare services and the improvement and maintenance of basic ADL.
- 九州大学の論文
長弘 千恵
長弘 千恵
九州大学 医学部保健学科看護学専攻
尾坂 良子
馬場 みちえ
尾坂 良子
児玉 尚子
糸永 歌代子
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