- 論文の詳細を見る
Two cases of thelaziasis were reported. The first case was 83-year-old man in Oita District, Oita, and 17 worms were extracted from the conjunctival sac. His main complaints were a light abnormal sensation in both eyes together with hyperemia. The second case was 83-year-old woman in Kamoto District, Kumamoto, and 5 worms were found in the right conjunctival sac. Their infections were suspected to have occurred near the house, because they live the foot of mountain. The adult worms were thread-like, and worms in case one showed 15. 1mm ± 0.64mm in length by 0.39mm ± 0.01 mm in diameter in males, and 21.0mm ± 0.76mm by 0.42mm ± 0.01mm in females, respectively. The worms were identified as adult Thelazia callipaeda Raillient et Henry, 1910 on the basis of the morphological features, especially large buccal capsulo, cuiticular striation and the position of the vulva in the female. Eigthy cases of the thelaziasis in human have been reported in Japan since 1957. Most of the cases were found in the Kyushu district.
- 九州大学の論文
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