岡山市における降雨強度確率分布 : 衛星通信における降雨減衰の時間特性(1)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ten-years records of rainfall rate (integration time : 1 min.) measured at Okayama Meteorological Observatory are analyzed statistically in view of rain attenuation on satellite links. The results are : (1) It is confirmed that rainfall rate distributions are well approximated by the lognormal distribution over the range below 50mm/h. However, its median and deviation parameters depend considerably on the range over which the approximation is intended. (2) The proposed method for deriving the lognormal parameters is to make use of a table of the normal distribution. It requires simpler procedure and yields sufficient accuracy. (3) Rainfall rate distribution varies rather yearly. The averaged one is usually used as a reference for link design but this variation must be recognized. (4) Distributions in the worst year and the worst month for 10 years are expressed empirically as a function of the 10-year averaged distribution.
- 岡山理科大学の論文
- 1987-03-05
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- 岡山市における降雨強度確率分布 : 衛星通信における降雨減衰の時間特性(1)
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