Correlation of Flooding Velocities in plate columns without Downcomer
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Flooding velocities of plate columns are an upper limit of stable operational range, and also a very important factor for design and operation of the plate columns. In order to study the flooding velocities, various types of plate columns without downcomer (sieve trays, sieve trays with holes of two different diameters, turbo-grid trays, two types of ripple trays and rotational-current trays) were used. The flooding velocities of these trays were found to be well correlated by modifing the correlation of flooding velocities in the packed columns which was proposed by Zenz and Eckert. The shape factor in the correlation has its own correlation according to each type of the trays mentioned above.
- 岡山理科大学の論文
赤木 靖春
赤木 靖春
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University Of Science
赤木 靖春
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