- 論文の詳細を見る
Rugby football had its birth when an English boy, being absorbed in a soccer game, brust forth running with holding a ball in excitement more than one hundred years ago. To race with taking a ball is peculiar to Rugby football, and that is the reason why it is called the handling game. In addition to it, body contact is also permitted to prevent a player who has a ball from converting a try by his oppornents' tackles. Such the great excitement of heavy tackles touches spectators' hearts, besides being a popular sport lately. However, contrary to its popularity, there is no denying the fact that the series of play : the collapse of scrummage and maul, the topping down into ruck and dangerous tackles, unfavorably become the cause of injuries. In a game, playeres are sure to fall down to the ground in connection with the body contact play, the saving play, the diving pass of scrum half and so on, then we define all of them as the falling play, here. Well, some of the falling play shall be the objects of penalties and others will delay the development to the next motion of players or play. We need to have full knowledge of actual conditions and the influence of the falling play on the outcome of a game to eliminate those disadvantage in a game, and that they contribute greatly to the prevention injuring and the progress of skills in a handling game. We dedicate the report on them, now.
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