<Article>Dynamics of Emotional and Cognitive Processings Reflected in Event-Related Brain Potentials at Hypobaric Hypoxia of Simulated High Altitude
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Hypobaric hypoxia, decreasing in tha level of cortical arousal, produced marked changes in heart rate for visual stimuli evoking negative feeling. While the P3 component of event-related brain potentials showed different changes in the amplitude depending on task 'requirements. The P3 magnitude decreased when the negative stimulus was presented during a cognitive task, conversely it increased when the identical stimulus was presented during a emotional task. These findings suggest that there are at least two different processes underlying the P3 component: cognitive and emotional processings operate in a reciprocal manner depending on the level of cortical arousal.
- 愛知学院大学の論文
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- Subcomponents of the P3 Complex of Event-Related Brain Potentials to NoGo and Stop Stimuli
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- Dynamics of Emotional and Cognitive Processings Reflected in Event-Related Brain Potentials at Hypobaric Hypoxia of Simulated High Altitude