<原著>新規生体内物質Substance V (SV)のラット脊髄における分布とTumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α)投与による影響
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Cytotoxic activity of verotoxin I and II (VT I and II), synthesized in the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, has been attributed to the disfunction such as inhibition of protein syntheses in the human tissue cells, especially at an extremely low concentration range. Such a fact suggested that intracellular organelles may have verotoxin-like substances which bind to ribosomal RNA. Recently from rat's spinal cord, we found a new substance which was cloned with anti-VT II antibody, named as substance V (SV). The present study was undertaken to evaluate a role of SV in the rat's spinal cord, with special references to distribution and change in expressing amount of SV. First, administration of 10^<-4> M SV-derived peptides into incubation medium for PC12 cell lines showed cvtotoxic action, resulting in cell shrinkage and breakdown of the genes, i. e., ladder form in electrophoresis. Thereafter, we examined how tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α),one of cytokines in inflammatory responses, influences the SV mRNA expression. Nerve growth factor (NGF) was increased in neurons around intervened sites with TNF-α, 1 day after the treatment, but tended to disappear within 7 days. SV mRNA expression in neurons was not observed, but increased in vascular endothelial cells and microglial cells, 4 days after TNF-α injection. These findings suggested that SV expression may be enhanced by TNF-α, possibly released in inflammatory responses, and that SV may not directly evoke the nerve disfunction, but indirectly via disfunction of vascular endothelial cells and microglial cell.
- 愛知医科大学の論文
- 2003-06-15
廣川 満
衣斐 達
福岡 敬晃
福岡 敬晃
衣斐 達
栗本 奈加子
村上 英嗣
川井 範夫
廣川 満
川井 範夫
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