<論文>精神医学の黎明期における非医師の貢献 : ジャンーバチスト・ピュサンの報告書を通して
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In the history of psychiatry, there is a prevailing myth that the insane were liberated from being constrained with iron chains by the action of Doctor Phillipe Pinel in 1793,just after his nomination as the chief physician at Bicetre Hospital. This anecdote, which was reported by Pinel's descendants, has been repeatedly and inattentively cited in Japanese textbooks of psychiatry, although in the past 20 years there are many works from positivistic point of view demonstrating the process of construction of the myth. The most relevant proof against the myth is found in reports of a surveillant of Bicetre Hospital, Jean-Baptiste Pussin, which were discovered in 1978. These reports written by a man without any legitimate education, especially that of 1797,are moving and of great importance. Pinel himself was very much influenced by Pussin's experiences, and Pussin was recognized as a precursor of Pinel by their contemporary savants. We introduce a part of Pussin's report, briefly look at the background, and try to elicit the most important lessons for medical and co-medical workers in psychiatric practice over the two centuries.
- 2001-03-27
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- 精神医学の黎明期における非医師の貢献 : ジャンーバチスト・ピュサンの報告書を通して
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