- 論文の詳細を見る
Part One of this paper examined the economic depravement of the Orang Asli community and the lack of success of JHEOA in uplifting the material welfare of the Aslian community mainly through the RPS schemes. This part i.e. Part two of the paper will highlight the issues related to their religious as well as cultural integration into Islam which is the official religion of the country. This segment will also examine the poor social conditions of the Orang Asli community mainly in the context of the Malaysian society, which has made much progress in the social sector. In this respect focus will be given to education, health indicators, housing, sanitation, poor infrastructure facilities etc. The paper will conclude with an assessment of the issues and steps that should be implemented to ensure that the Orang Asli community would not remain in darkness and be relegated as a relic in the history books of Malaysia.
- 岩手県立大学の論文
- 2000-09-20
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