<研究ノート>近代の福祉に生きた女性パイオニア(その2) : フローレンス・ナイチンゲールとジェーン・アダムス
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It is likely that the characteristics and the personal traits of individuals are influenced by their careers, usually their parents and other people who raise them, as well as by the societies and cultures where they grow up. The relationships of the causes and effects in the personal traits are not simple, but it is often found that great achievements and the talents of the famous people are led by their mothers' affection and guidance, while the vicious behaviors in the histories are rooted by unhappy family backgrounds, low self-images and critical comments. In this chapter, we would look at the indications of possible humanistic sensibilities and missions in the childhood experiences of the two heroines, focusing the close relationships to their fathers who had intellectual impacts on them. As it is said that family is fatal, Adams, for example, formed a strong bondage to her father and so-called "father-complex" through her experience of a loss of her mother in her sensitive childhood. Nightingale had conflicts with her mother in her adolescence and became withdrawn, exhibiting the symptoms of neurosis. Their introspective tendencies and conflicts, however, made them energetic and patient in challenging and accomplishing pioneer and most difficult work of the settlements and nursing education. Their personal lives in the young days were not considered happy but suffering from identity-crisis in adolescence. However, the two were able to establish settlements and nursing education, which were needed in the American society of new immigrants and labor movements as well as in the English society of class conflicts and modern wars. Thus, Adams found settlement activities for the poor people in the ghettos as her life work. Nightingale decided to become a nurse, which was a new occupation for women.
- 1999-09-20
- 女性ソーシャルワーカーのキャリア発達とライフヒストリー研究 : その1 キャリア理論の変化と専門職アイデンティティ
- 近代の福祉に生きた女性パイオニア(その8) : フローレンス・ナイチンゲールとジェーン・アダムス
- 近代の福祉に生きた女性パイオニア(その5) : フローレンス・ナイチンゲールとジェーン・アダムス
- 近代の福祉に生きた女性パイオニア(その4) : フローレンス・ナイチンゲールとジェーン・アダムス
- 近代の福祉に生きた女性パイオニア(その3) : フローレンス・ナイチンゲールとジェーン・アダムス
- 近代の福祉に生きた女性パイオニア(その2) : フローレンス・ナイチンゲールとジェーン・アダムス
- 近代の福祉に生きた女性パイオニア(その6) : フローレンス・ナイチンゲースとジェーン・アダムス
- サービス提供者養成における事業者責任と質の向上 (第1特集 事業者責任とサービス提供者の養成)
- 近代の福祉に生きた女性パイオニア(その1) : フローレンス・ナイチンゲールとジェーン・アダムズ