女性ソーシャルワーカーのキャリア発達とライフヒストリー研究 : その1 キャリア理論の変化と専門職アイデンティティ
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Career Counseling is now well known. The concept of "career" is more than work or occupation. It includes the value of life, profession and social activity. To begin with, we would look at the start of social worker and discuss how it was developed as a professional career. For that matter, we would also need to research and analyze the history of career theory, the identity of nurse, some studies of life-course for nurses and the study of career development. There must be some similarities between nurses and social workers, since both of them require a variety of social experiences.
- 2003-09-30
- 女性ソーシャルワーカーのキャリア発達とライフヒストリー研究 : その1 キャリア理論の変化と専門職アイデンティティ
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- 近代の福祉に生きた女性パイオニア(その1) : フローレンス・ナイチンゲールとジェーン・アダムズ