人間的生と表現的世界 : ディルタイ的表現論を経由して
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Our human life, that is, our relative life in time has generally a fundamental character of the expressive actuality against the negative state of our relative death. That is to say, "Ausdruck" (Expression) is not a mere additional moment but an original element for our life. The 'World of Life" (Lebenswelt) is a historical world of Expression. Now this world of Expression was in fact the most important subject of Wilhelm Diltheys philosophical research. Dilthey himself took the actuality of human life just as a total connection of "Erlebnis-Ausdruck-Verstehen". Here in this connection, "Erlebnis" expresses itself through "Ausdruck" and then "Verstehen" understands 'Erlebnis" through "Ausdruck". So 'Ausdruck" is the concrete mediation for Self-knowing of our human life. The main theme of Diltheys hermeneutic philosophy was to answer the epistemological question how an objective understanding will be really possible through "Ausdruck". According to Diltheys view, 'Ausdruck" is an unified phenomenon of the inner moment and the outer one. Saying in short, the former is our own human mind and the latter is the physical nature in general. So the expression means the unified phenomenon of inner mind and outer physical nature. Just the world of Expression is an integral region over the dualistic separation of mind and physical nature. We must consider this unified kingdom of Expression not merely epistemologically in the same way as Dilthey did, but also practically in the act-theoretical approach to it. Because it is the real fact that the world of vivid and expressive act is the very actuality of our human life in itself.
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- 人間的生と表現的世界 : ディルタイ的表現論を経由して
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