- 論文の詳細を見る
The theory of categories which this paper considers here thematically as a part of my study about Dilthey' s philosophy belongs to the most abstract department in Dilthey' s work as laying a epistemological foundation of Geistes wissenschaften (moral sciences). But it is also the most basic theoretical study, as long as Geisteswissenschaften as sciences need certainly a conceptual framework. Geisteswissenschaften which have to do with the human self-cognition (Selbstbesinnung) need the concepts adapted to the modes of human being itself. And the concepts are not the mere transformation of the concepts in natural sciences , but must be taken out of the inner vivid actuality of human life world Dilthey called such concepts "gesteswrssenschaftliche Begriffe" and projected deriving them by "hermeneutic structure of human life . The concepts which were presented as the result of such a theoretical project are the following : Leben, Erleben, Zeitlichkeit, Bedeutung, Wert, Zweck, Wirkung or Wirkungszusammenhang, Struktur, Ganz und Teil, Entwicklung, Kraft, Gestaltung, Wesen, Dauer, Selbigkeit, Ideal etc. These are named "Kategorien des Lebens und der Geschichte" as a whole. These are not only the categories of cognition of human life-world, but also the ones of being which are immanent in the organic and dynamic structure of the world. These determine each other in the hermeneutic cycle. And these should make progress the cognition (Verstehen) of Geisteswissenschaften by constant examination and amendment in historical process. Hereupon, the theory of categories (Kategorienlehre) by Dilthey gives a sketch map of cognitive organon which makes "geschichtliche Selbstbesinnung" based on Geisteswissenschaften of human life-world possible.
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