Trace element and isotopic characteristics of inclusions in the Yamato ordinary chondrites Y-75097, Y-793241 and Y-794046
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Igneous inclusions and hosts of the Yamato ordinary chondrites Y-75097 (L6), Y-793241 (L6) and Y-794046 (H5) were analyzed for lithophile trace elements, and Rb-Sr, rare gas and oxygen isotopes, together with preliminary petrographic examinations. On a three oxygen-isotope plot, all the inclusions lie near the H-chondrite field. The Y-75097 host and inclusion were severely shocked and the Rb-Sr systematics were disturbed by a 500Ma event which was defined by the K-Ar age. The Y-793241 host and inclusion are unshocked and have an old K-Ar age of 4270±170Ma and undisturbed Rb-Sr systematics for the bulk meteorite. Both Y-75097 and Y-793241 inclusions have similar chemical compositions and mineral assemblages consisting mainly of olivine (Fa_<25>), and minor plagioclase (An_<12-19>), chlor-apatite, merrillite and chromite. Olivines in both inclusions equilibrated with those of their L6 hosts. The two inclusion mantles consisting of mainly olivine and plagioclase show a highly fractionated REE pattern with middle REE depletion and a large positive Eu anomaly (50-100 times chondritic) (V-shaped). A model calculation suggests that this remarkable REE fractionation was produced by thermal equilibration with the phosphate-rich cores of inclusions during the igneous formation and the metamorphic event. The Y-794046 inclusion comprises abundant anhedral olivines (Fa_<20.5>), fractured pyroxenes (Fs_<14-16.5>) and microcrystalline plagioclase (An_<3-5>Ab_<81-96>Or_<0-16>). The inclusion did not equilibrate with its host which has less Fe-rich olivines (Fa_<19>) and more Fe in pyroxenes (Fs_<17.5>). The inclusion shows an unfractionated REE pattern. We suggest that the three inclusions formed by melting of differentiated precursor materials carrying unfractionated REE. They were then incorporated into the L-or H-chondrite parent bodies and subjected to the early thermal metamorphism, which eventually overprinted the fractionated REE in the Y-75097 and Y-793241 inclusions by solid/solid equilibrium partitioning. The Y-794046 inclusion was subjected to less extensive equilibration, so that REE abundances remained unfractionated.
- 国立極地研究所の論文
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kobe University
Nagao Keisuke
Institute for Study of Earth's Interior, Okayama University
Nakamura N
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University
Nakamura Noboru
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University
Morikawa Noritoshi
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University
Misawa Keiji
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science, and Division of the Nature of the Eart
Clayton Robert
Enrico Fermi Institute University Of Chicago
Yanai Keizo
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Yanai Keizo
Department Of Antarctic Meteorites National Institute Of Polar Research
Misawa K
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Science Kobe University
MORIKAWA Noritoshi
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kobe University
Hutchison Robert
Department of Mineralogy, The Natural History Museum
Mayeda Toshiko
Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago
Okano Osamu
Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
Matsumoto Yukio
National Institute of Polar Research
Okano O
Department Of Geosciences Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Okano Osamu
Department Of Earth Sciences Okayama University
Morikawa N
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University
Morikawa Noritoshi
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Mayeda Toshiko
Enrico Fermi Institute Department Of Chemistry And Department Of Geophysical Sciences University Of
Nakamura Noboru
Department Of Earth & Planetary Sciences Kobe University
Hutchison Robert
Department Of Mineralogy Natural History Museum
Hutchison Robert
Department Of Mineralogy The Natural History Museum
Clayton Robert
Enrico Fermi Institute Department Of Chemistry And Department Of Geophysical Sciences University Of
Nakamura Noboru
Department Of Earth & Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Science And Division Of The Nature Of The Ea
Nagao Keisuke
Institute For Study Of Earth's Interior Okayama University
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