U-Th-Pb isotopic systematics of lherzolitic shergottite Yamato-793605
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We have undertaken U-Th-Pb isotopic studies on lherzolitic shergottite, Yamato-793605. Four mineral separates (olivine, plagioclase, and two phases of pyroxene) and a whole-rock sample were leached with dilute acid in order to remove secondary Pb contamination. However, preferential leaching of U and Th over Pb occurred. The Pb isotopic data points of five residue fractions scattered, and a calculated Pb-Pb age does not clearly indicate either crystallization from a melt or a later disturbance to the U-Pb system, in contrast with other shergottites. The chord through U-Pb data points for pyroxene (PXl) leaches and residue intersects concordia at 4439±9 Ma and 212±62 Ma, suggesting a young disturbance event resulting in Pb loss. The later disturbance event partially reset the U-Pb system. The estimated ^<238>U/^<204>Pb (≡μ) value from the whole-rock residue for the source of Y-793605 is about 5,suggesting that Y-793605 was derived from a volatile-rich source environment and confirms a low-μ source for shergottites compared to volcanic rocks of the Earth.
- 国立極地研究所の論文
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kobe University
Premo Wayne
Us Geological Survey
Nakamura N
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University
Nakamura Noboru
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University
Tatsumoto Mitsunobu
U. S. Geological Survey
Misawa Keiji
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science, and Division of the Nature of the Eart
Premo Wayne
U.S. Geological Survey
Tatsumoto Mitsunobu
U.S. Geological Survey
Nakamura N
Kobe Univ. Kobe
Misawa K
Antarctic Meteorite Research Center National Institute Of Polar Research
Misawa Keiji
Department Of Earth & Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Science And Division Of The Nature Of The Ea
Nakamura Noboru
Department Of Earth & Planetary Sciences Kobe University
Nakamura Noboru
Department Of Earth & Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Science And Division Of The Nature Of The Ea
Misawa K
National Inst. Polar Res. Tokyo
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