Further Studies on Histochemical and Ultrastructural Properties of the Pectoral Muscles of Bats
大津 隆一
Uchida Teruaki
Zoological Institute Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Uchida Teruaki
Zoological Laboratory Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushuuniversity
Ohtsu Ryuichi
Zoological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Ohtsu Ryuichi
Zoological Laboratory Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
- (98)植物ウイルスの干渉効果の機構に関する研究(VI)ササゲにおけるCMV-LEとCMV-m2との干渉効果
- (50) 植物ウイルスの干渉効果の機構に関する研究 : (V)CMV各系統のササゲにおける混合感染に関するシュードリコンビナント解析 (平成11年度 日本植物病理学会大会)
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- 32. 冬眠期のコウモリ咬筋の酵素組織化学及び電顕的研究(第 44 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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- Growth and Development of the Smith's Red-backed Vole, Eothenomys smithi
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- 5. 翼手目における咬筋および側頭筋の層分化について : II. ナミエヒナコウモリ (Vespertilio superans superans)(第 43 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 3. ビーバー Castor canadensis の顎骨, 歯の形態学的研究 : その 1 計測値について(第 43 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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- A Taxonomic Study of Pteropodid Bats (Megachiroptera) Collected from Southeast Asia Based on the Humeral Characters and Their Adaptation for Flight
- Microhabitat segregation between Apodemus argenteus and A.speciosus in northern Kyushu
- Digestion of Bloodmeal Protein after Detachment in Nymphal Haemaphysalis longicomis
- Spermiogenesis in the Japanese Greater Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum nippon
- Sperm Storage in the Oviduct of the Japanese Greater Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum nippon
- Seasonal Fluctuations of Populations and Effects of Temperatures on Development and Growth in the Tick, Haemaphysalis flava
- 翼手類の飛翔適応から見た大胸筋の組織化学的および電顕的研究(細胞学)
- コキクガシラコウモリの成長と, 胸筋のLDHアイソザイム・パターンおよびその微細構造(形態学)
- Ticks from Wild Mammals in the Kyushu District Including Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
- Taxonomic validity of scientific names in Japanese Vespertilio species by ontogenetic evidence of the penile pseudobaculum
- Studies on Seasonal Fluctuations of Populations and Overwintering in the Cattle Tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis
- Microhabitat Use According to Reproductive Condition in Two Apodemus Species
- 翼手類の飛翔適応に関する研究 : コキクガシラコウモリの成長とLDHアイソザイム(生態学)
- Evolutional Implications of Recapitulation Concerning the Round Nose Leaf Seen at the Middle Prenatal Period in the Japanese Lesser Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus cornutus cornutus
- Acquisition of Homeothermy in the Black-eared Kite, Milvus migrans lineatus
- Accumulation, Digestion and Excretion of Bloodmeal Protein during Feeding in Nymphal Haemaphysalis longicornis
- Identification of Recent Bats belonging to the Rhinolophidae by the Humeral Characters
- Identification of Recent Bats belonging to the Vespertilionidae by the Humeral Characters
- Age Determination in the Yellow Weasel, Mustela sibirica coceana
- Age Composition of Summer Colonies in the Japanese House-dwelling Bat,Pipistrellus abramus
- Correlation among Fiber Composition and LDH Isozyme Patterns of the Pectoral Muscles and Flight Habits in Bats
- Further Studies on Histochemical and Ultrastructural Properties of the Pectoral Muscles of Bats
- Ultrastructure of Postembryonic Development of the Pectoral Muscles in the Japanese Lesser Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus cornutus cornutus from the Standpoint of Adaptation for Flight
- Functional Morphology of Wings from the Standpoint of Adaptation for Flight in Chiroptera II. Growth and Changes in Mode of Life during the Young Period in Rhinolophus cornutus cornutus
- Rat-control procedures on the Pacific islands, with special reference to the efficiency of biological control agents. II Efficiency of the Japanese weasel, Mustela sibirica itatsi Temminck & Schlegel, as a rat-control agent in the Ryukyus
- Rat-control procedures on the Pacific islands, with special reference to the efficiency of biological control agents. I Appraisal of the monitor lizard, Varanus indicus (Daudin), as a rat-control agent on Ifaluk, Western Caroline Islands
- 3∿0920 ビーバー Castor canadensis の顎骨, 歯の形態学的研究 : その 1 計測値について
- P∿4 上顎側切歯の二根性 6 例について
- P∿6 翼手目における咬筋および側頭筋の層分化について : II. ナミエコウモリ (Vespertilio namiyei)
- 9. 翼手目における咬筋の層分化について : 1. ユビナガコウモリ (Miniopterus schreibersi fuliginosus)(第 42 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- P-9 翼手目における咬筋の層分化について : 1,ユビナガコウモリ (Miniopterus schreibersi)