Induction of DC Current by an RF Travelling Wave in a Strong Magnetic Field
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On the basis of a simple model the DC current induced by an RF travelling wave is calculated. It is assumed that the initial velocity distribution of electrons is Maxwellian and that the electrons move adiabatically on a magnetic line of force. The average electron velocity attained when B_w/B_0<<1 is found to be >>V_Z<<_L=1.639v_<ph>exp (- 1/2 m_eV^2_<ph>/T_e) (B_w/B_0)^<3/2> where the axial magnetic field is assumed of the form : B (Z)=B_0+B_W cosk (z-v_<ph>t). An evaluation and discussion are made on the required RF power for sustaining the plasma current in Golovin's model of the Tokamak fusion reactor.
- 核融合科学研究所の論文
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