Depression and Suicide Risk of Outpatients at Specialized Hospitals for Substance Use Disorder : Comparison with Depressive Disorder Patients at General Psychiatric Clinics
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- 2011-12-28
長 徹二
Cho Tetsuji
Mental Care Center Prefecture Of Mie
Matsushita Sachio
National Hospital Organization Kurihama Alcoholism Center
National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
Matsumoto Toshihiko
National Institute Of Mental Health National Center Of Neurology And Psychiatry
Naruse Nobuya
Saitama Prefectural Psychiatric Hospital
Ino Aro
Kasumigaura Clinic
Kanagawa Psychiatric Center Serigaya Hospital
MUTO Takeo
National Hospital Organization Hizen Psychiatric Center
Hokujinkai Ashahiyama Hospital
Konuma-memorial Hiroshima Drug Dependence Institution
MORITA Nobuaki
University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
Cho Tetsuji
Mentalcare Center Prefecture Of Mie
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