Linear Viscoelastic Properties of Concentrated Solutions of Multi-Arm Star Polystyrenes
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The dynamic viscoelasticity of solutions of multi-arm star polystyrenes is investigated. The relaxation spectrum is calculated from the master curves of the dynamic storage and loss moduli. The relaxation spectra for the solutions as well as the melts exhibit a shoulder at long times. The relaxation intensity and the relaxation time for the long time relaxation are estimated from the relaxation spectra. The relaxation intensity strongly depends on the number density of the star molecules, suggesting that the number density dependence of the relaxation intensity is closely related with the degree of interpenetration between the star polymers, while the relaxation time of the long time relaxation is almost independent of the number density of the star molecules.
- 一般社団法人 日本レオロジー学会の論文
- 2003-06-15
Masuda Toshiro
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kumamoto University
Takigawa Toshikazu
Department Of Material Chemistry Kyoto University
Yamamoto Takashi
Department Of Cardiology Tokushima Prefectural Central Hospital
Ishimura Yoji
Department Of Material Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Kyoto University
Yamamoto Takashi
Department Of Material Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Kyoto University
Yamamoto Takashi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Ehime University
Takigawa Toshikazu
Department Of Material Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Kyoto University
Masuda Toshiro
Department Of Material Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Kyoto University
Yamamoto Takehiro
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
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