Discrimination of Golgi Type II Membrane Proteins Based on Their Hydropathy Profiles and the Amino Acid Propensities of Their Transmembrane Regions
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Membrane proteins in the Golgi apparatus play important roles in biological functions, predominantly as catalysts related to post-translational modification of protein oligosaccharides. We succeeded in extracting the characteristics of Golgi type II membrane proteins computationally by comparison with those of Golgi no retention proteins, which are mainly localized in the plasma membrane. Golgi type II membrane proteins were detected by combining hydropathy alignment and a position-specific score matrix of the amino acid propensities around the transmembrane region. We achieved 96.2% sensitivity, 93.5% specificity, and a 0.949 success rate in a self-consistency test. In a 5-fold cross-validation test, 88.0% sensitivity, 85.5% specificity, and a 0.867 success rate were achieved.
- 2011-01-23
Sasaki Takanori
Department Of Applied Physics Tohoku University
Tomii Kentaro
Computational Biology Res. Center (cbrc) National Inst. Of Advanced Industrial Sci. And Technol. (ai
Suwa Makiko
Computational Biology Research Center (cbrc) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And T
Sasaki Takanori
Department Of Electronics And Bioinformatics School Of Science And Technology Meiji University
Suwa Makiko
Computational Biology Research Center (cbrc) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And T
Ikeda Masami
Consolidated Research Institute For Advanced Science And Medical Care Waseda University
Tomii Kentaro
Computational Biology Research Center (cbrc) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And T
Hirokawa Takatsugu
Computational Biology Research Center (cbrc) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And T
Hirokawa Takatsugu
Computanonal Bloinformatics Research Center Aist
Department of Electronics and Bioinformatics, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Department of Electronics and Bioinformatics, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Yoshizawa Masao
Department Of Electronics And Bioinformatics School Of Science And Technology Meiji University
Mukai Yuri
Department Of Electronics And Bioinformatics School Of Science And Technology Meiji University
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