Phylogenetic profiling of Arabidopsis genes by monitoring spatial gene expression using cDNA microarrays
- 論文の詳細を見る
Arabidopsis cDNA microarray analysis was performed for 5,722 genes using leaf, stem, root and flower mRNA as targets. We identified 55, 22, 21, and 131 genes expressed specifically in leaves, stems, flowers and roots, respectively. Statistical cluster analysis revealed that the roots were the most distant and the leaves and flowers the most related organs with regards to gene expression. K-means clustering revealed that the clusters for leaf-specific genes tended to mainly have genes for plastid-localized proteins, while the cluster for predominantly root-specific genes was mainly secretory proteins.
- 日本植物細胞分子生物学会の論文
- 2005-03-01
新名 惇彦
Shinmyo A
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
新名 惇彦
Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Yokota A
Laboratory Of Applied Microbiology Department Of Bioscience And Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Hok
Shinmyo Atsuhiko
Graduate School Of Biological Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Shinmyo Atsuhiko
Nara Insti. Sci. Technol. Nara
Shinmyo Atsuhiko
Department Of Biotechnotogy Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University:department Of Bioscience Nara In
Yoshida Kazuya
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Yokota A
Nara Inst. Of Sci. And Technol. (naist) Nara Jpn
Yokota Akiho
Plant Molecular Physiology Research Institute Of Innovative Technology For The Earth (rite)
Yokota Akiho
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Yokota Akiho
Plant Molecular Physiology Laboratory Research Institute Of Innovative Technology For Teh Earth (rit
Yamakawa Seiyei
Graduate School Of Biological Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Yamakawa Seiyei
Technology Department Research Association For Biotechnology
Ando Kohei
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Sakagami Y
Nagoya Univ.
KOHCHI Takayuki
Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Kohchi T
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Kohchi T
Laboratory Of Plant Molecular Biology Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Ky
Kohchi Takayuki
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Yokota A
Graduate School Of Biological Sciences Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
新名 惇彦
Sakagami Youji
Laboratory Of Bioactive Natural Product Chemistry Graduate School Of Bio-agricultural Sciences Nagoy
Yamakawa Seiyei
School Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Yokota Akiho
Graduate School Of Biological Science Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
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- 21世紀の基幹技術 : 植物バイオテクノロジー
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- Tobacco RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED protein is phosphorylated by different types of cyclin-dependent kinases during the cell cycle
- Analysis of chromatin condensation states by DNase I sensitivity assay at 500-base resolution in Arabidopsis
- 2Z-PM1 植物の生物工学的利用のための基盤技術開発とその応用(生物工学賞受賞講演)
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- グローバル時代における奈良先端大の取組 (特集 大学等における体制作り)
- 今求められている輸入食品の安全性
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- 21世紀の課題--植物バイオマスからエネルギー生産
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- 植物資源にエネルギーと工業生産を託す (Special Issue【特集】 植物の力をバイオ産業に)
- 1D14-1 ターミネーター領域の改変による導入遺伝子の高発現化(植物細胞工学・植物組織培養・植物育種工学・光合成微生物,一般講演)
- 537 イネペルオキシダーゼ遺伝子の単離と構造
- バイオマス活用の概説 (特集 ハイテクセミナー バイオマス--非バイオ系技術者と語るバイオマスの活用)
- Genome-Wide Analyses of Early Translational Responses to Elevated Temperature and High Salinity in Arabidopsis thaliana
- The HSP Terminator of Arabidopsis thaliana Increases Gene Expression in Plant Cells
- Ribulose 1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase Large Subunit Translation is Regulated in a Small Subunit-Independent Manner in the Expanded Leaves of Tobacco
- 2K10-2 ペルオキシダーゼ遺伝子導入植物におけるリグニン量の増加と耐虫性向上(植物細胞工学・植物組織培養・植物育種工学・生体情報工学,一般講演)
- 究極の環境問題,海洋汚染
- Efficient Translation Destabilizes Transcripts in Chloroplasts of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- An E2F-Regulated Reporter Construct is Transcriptionally Activated Following the Transient Expression of Cyclin D in Plants
- The 5'-Untranslated Region of the Tobacco Alcohol Dehydrogenase Gene Functions as an Effective Translational Enhancer in Plant(PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Rice sodium-insensitive potassium transporter, OsHAK5, confers increased salt tolerance in tobacco BY2 cells(PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 講演 低炭素化社会実現の切り札,植物バイオ
- バイオマス活用の概説 (新エネルギー戦略 バイオマス) -- (特集 ハイテクセミナー バイオマス--非バイオ系技術者と語るバイオマスの活用)
- Improving salt tolerance in plant cells
- マイクロアレイを用いた植物プロモーターの網羅的探索 (特集 バイオテクノロジーイノベーション(2)単細胞解析をめざしたバイオと異分野の融合がもたらすブレークスルー技術の新潮流)
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