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Based on our recent papers (Horii A et al. Otol Neurotol 2004, Horii A et al., J Vestibular Res 2007), we discussed the psychiatric involvement in patients with vertigo and dizziness. Seventy percent of patients with chronic dizziness showed a high score in the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), suggesting that many dizzy patients have comorbid psychiatric disorders. Fluvoxamine, one of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), administered at a dose of 200mg per day was effective for subjective handicaps due to dizziness in patients with or without neuro-otologic illnesses, owing to its actions on both the comorbid anxiety and depressive disorder. More aggressive psychiatric treatment, such as administration of higher doses, may be the next step of treatment for non-responders without neuro-otologic diseases, because these patients have been shown to suffer from more severe psychiatric illnesses. In contrast, other types of drugs that are known to help recovery of the vestibular function are recommended for neuro-otologic diseases in patients without clinically significant anxiety or depression and non-responders to fluvoxamine. The main causes of dizziness in patients without physical neuro-otologic findings were psychiatric disorders. Bidirectional relationships between vertigo/dizziness and psychiatric disorders could be explained by the anatomical connections between the brainstem and limbic system, including the amygdala.
- 日本めまい平衡医学会の論文
- 2008-06-01
- 音響耳管検査法による耳管開放症・狭窄症診断の有用性について
- 突発難聴およびめまい疾患の耳管機能と治療効果について
- 宇宙適応症候群の動物モデルの開発と発症機序の検討
- 耳科手術後に発症した遅発性顔面神経麻痺
- Notch 伝達系による内耳感覚上皮前駆細胞の増殖制御について
- マウス内耳発生における Notch1 の活性化について : 第2報
- サリチル酸耳鳴動物モデルを用いた耳鳴行動実験
- 加齢と前庭神経炎後遺症
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Endolymphatic sac drainage and steroid-instillation surgery for intractable Meniere's disease
- メニエール病に対するイソソルビド液状とゼリー状の治療効果と服薬コンプライアンスの比較検討
- 末梢前庭疾患の残存前庭機能と動的前庭代償
- Notch-Hes1 経路のマウス蝸牛感覚上皮予定領域決定への関与の可能性 : 増殖制御と未分化性の維持について
- 前庭系の空間認知における役割 : 特に海馬との関連について
- 前庭系と一酸化窒素(NO)
- 唾液腺腫瘍の核DNA量分析およびMRI画像
- 強大音刺激が重心動揺におよぼす影響
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Endolymphatic sac drainage and steroid-instillation surgery for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- 難治性BPPVに対する責任半規管の同定と半規管遮断術
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- マウス内耳発生におけるAktの活性化とPTENの発現について
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Only hearing ear 発生した顔面神経鞘腫症例
- イソソルビド服薬コンプライアンスとめまい自覚症状 : ボトル品と分包品の比較
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- 内耳有毛細胞分化における Notch signaling 機能の部位特異的差異の可能性について
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Canal plugging を行った両側外側半規管型BPPVの1例
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Endolymphatic sac drainage and steroid-instillation surgery for intractable Meniere's disease
- 不安障害/抑うつの関与
- 動揺病発症に関わる脳内部位 : 特に辺縁系の関与について
- 耳科手術後に発症した遅発性顔面神経麻痺に関する検討
- 一側メニエール病の内リンパ嚢開放術後, 対側耳に発症した突発性難聴例
- 空間認知機構における前庭系の役割
- 胎生期マウス内耳での Notch1 活性化と prosensory cell population の決定について
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Endolymphatic sac drainage and steroid-instillation surgery for intractable Meniere's disease
- 空間識と神経伝達物質
- 過重力刺激によるラット扁桃体中心核NK-1受容体及び Substance P mRNA発現の変化について
- ラット前庭系グルタミン酸レセプターmRNAに及ぼす過重力負荷の影響
- 重力変化刺激によるラット扁桃体の神経活性化
- 遅発性内リンパ水腫症例の臨床的検討
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Endolymphatic sac drainage and steroid-instillation surgery for intractable Meniere's disease
- Intratympanic gentamicin injection therapy for intractable Meniere's disease
- Endolymphatic sac drainage and steroid-instillation surgery for intractable Meniere's disease
- 過重力負荷によるラット蝸牛内グルタミン酸受容体の変化
- 内リンパ嚢高濃度ステロイド挿入術と血中内耳関連ホルモン動態
- マウス内耳におけるMusashi1の発現について
- ラット過重力負荷のストレスホルモンに対する影響
- 浅在化鼓膜に対する手術
- 両側および一側レルモワイエ症候群症例と発症機序に関する考察
- 内リンパ嚢高濃度ステロイド挿入術の有効性に関する術前予測
- 一側メニエール病の内リンパ嚢開放術後, 対側耳に発症した突発性難聴例