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In the European Union (EU), the Council Directive 98/58/EC provides member states with general rules for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes such as the production of food, wool, skin or fur or for other farming purposes, including fish, reptiles of amphibians. The member states can adopt more stringent rules under the condition that they cover the provisions of the Treaty. At the present, the United Kingdom (UK) is one of the most radical member states. Newly-adopted legislation there concerning the welfare conditions of farm animals becomes obsolete in a few years in this age of rapid progress. The European Commission of the EU and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) of the UK government financially support animal welfare research as part of a policy-orientated approach. Both policy makers consider all up-to-date scientific evidence and consult many different stakeholders such as farmers, industry, consumers, animal welfare groups and retailers in order to draft legislation and other proposals. Initially, the research was conducted mainly as part of the agriculture and fisheries program, but is now likely to have its place under the food quality and safety thematic priority. The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), established by UK government in 1979, plays an important role in reviewing the welfare of farm animals on farms, at market, in transit and at slaughter. The State Veterinary Service (SVS) under the DEFRA carries out welfare inspections for all stages of animal production in cooperation with local authorities and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). Farm Assurance Schemes encourage producers who work in all the stages to raise welfare conditions of farm animals and, additionally, provide recognition of welfare standards to consumers. ‘Freedom Food’ is the first scheme set up by the RSPCA in 1994. To date nine schemes are operated under the Freedom Food Limited based on the species specific RSPCA farm animal welfare standards for pigs, dairy cows, sheep, beef cattle, laying hens, broilers, turkeys, ducks and salmon.
- 2004-11-25
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