DNA Typing with 17 Microsatellites for Parentage Verification of Racehorses in Japan
Laboratory of Racing Chemistry
KAKOI Hironaga
Laboratory of Racing Chemistry
NAGATA Shun-ichi
Laboratory of Racing Chemistry
Laboratory of Racing Chemistry
Nakano S
Genome Research Department National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Kurosawa M
Lab. Racing Chemistry Utsunomiya‐shi Jpn
廣田 桂一
Mima Kyosuke
Research Department Laboratory Of Racing Chemistry
栫 裕永
Lab. Of Racing Chemistry
- Construction and Validation of Parentage Testing for Thoroughbred Horses by 53 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
- 15座位のマイクロサテライトを使用したサラブレッド種における親子鑑定システムの構築(公衆衛生学:)
- F18遺伝子の構造と機能および繰り返し配列の検索
- ウマのアメロゲニン遺伝子の単離と構造解析
- (CAG)nリピートを持つ新しい遺伝子の単離
- マイクロサテライトDNA多型の馬の親子鑑定への応用
- ウマのCA繰り返し配列の検索
- 蒙古在来馬集団の遺伝的特徴について
- 木曽馬のDNA多型からみた遺伝子構成
- ウマの CA repeat 検索法
- Establishment of a Trait Mapping Method Using Whole Genome Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis
- FISH Assignment of the Horse DNA Markers Using BAC Clones
- Construction of a Large Insert DNA Library Necessary for the International Project for Equine Gene Mapping
- Changes in Expression of Inhibin Subunits in the Cyclic Golden Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) and the Regulation of Inhibin α Subunit Production by Luteinizing Hormone
- 木曽馬におけるミトコンドリアDNA D-loop領域のPCR-RFLP解析
- Effects of Caffeine on Performance, Cardiorespiratory Function and Plasma Hormonal Responses during Exhaustive Treadmill Exercise in the Throughbred Horse
- Plasma Catecholamine, Adrenocorticotropin and Cortisol Responses to Exhaustive Incremental Treadmill Exercise of the Thoroughbred Horse
- Research on Pharmacokinetics in Racehorses : Tissue Distribution of Gentamicin
- DNA Typing with 17 Microsatellites for Parentage Verification of Racehorses in Japan
- 雌ウマの分娩前後における血中インヒビン濃度測定の有用性
- DNA型分析によるウマの性染色体異常の検出について
- ウマの卵胞発育過程におけるインヒビン/アクチビンサブユニット,アロマターゼおよび3β-ヒデロキシステロイド脱水素酵素の発現
- LPSとサイトカインで刺激されたウマ培養細胞におけるNO産生
- Effects of Exercise on Density and Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Normal and Splenectomized Thoroughbred Horses
- Effects of Splenectomy for Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Thoroughbred Horses during Exercise
- Effects of Splenic Erythrocytes and Blood Lactate Levels on Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Thoroughbred Horses during Exercise
- 輸送ストレスが雌馬のLHおよびFSH分泌に及ぼす影響について;予備的検討
- Pharmacokinetics of Penciclovir after Oral Administration of Its Prodrug Famciclovir to Horses
- Simultaneous Doping Analysis of Main Urinary Metabolites of Anabolic Steroids in Horse by Ion-trap Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- Characterization and Quantification of Fluoxymesterone Metabolite in Horse Urine by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
- Effect of a Single Injection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) on Testicular Hormones and Gonadotropins in the Thoroughbred Stallion
- Heart Rates and Blood Lactate Response in Thoroughbred Horses during a Race
- Association between Track Surface Used in Training and the Injury of Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon in Thoroughbred Race Horses
- Assessment of Autonomic Activity in Racehorses Using an Index Calculated from Heart Rate Recovery after Exercise (T)
- The Impact of Inclination on Muscle Fiber Recruitment Patterns
- Study of Characteristics of New Polytrack Courses from their Impact on the Horse : Comparison with Characteristics of Other Courses
- 心臓疾患により肺水腫を招いた競走馬の一症例
- A Case of Pulmonary Edema Induced by Heart Disease
- トレ-ニング強度の違いが若馬の呼吸循環機能におよぼす影響
- 騎乗馴致が若馬の呼吸循環機能におよぼす影響
- For More Efficient Breeding of Light Horses : Adjustment of Ovulation Time Using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
- The Effects of Incline on Cardiopulmonary Function during Exercise in the Horse
- LPSとサイトカインで刺激されたウマ培養細胞におけるNO産生
- Changes in Serum Concentration of Uric Acid and Allantoin due to Exhaustive Treadmill Exercise
- Inhibin Pro-αC as the Marker of Testicular Function in the Stallion
- The Effect of Long Slow Distance Training on Aerobic Work Capacity in Young Thoroughbred Horses
- サラブレッドにおける血漿アドレナリンおよびノルアドレナリン濃度の日内変動
- Genetic Characterization of Endangered Kiso Horse Using 31 Microsatellite DNAs
- The Branched-chain Amino Acid Requirement of Thoroughbred Horses Estimated by Indicator Amino Acid Oxidation (IAAO)
- Population Statistics and Biological Traits of Endangered Kiso Horse
- Efficacy of Antifungal Drug Voriconazole on Fungal Keratitis
- Circulation Improvement Effect of Dobutamine and Phenylephrine under Inhalation Anesthesia with Sevoflurane
- Penetration of Systemically-administered Tetracycline Antibacterial Drugs into Equine Lacrimal Fluid
- Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Oseltamivir and Its Active Metabolite Oseltamivir Carboxylate after Oral Administration in Horses