1990年代の東京23区における都市密度変化と土地利用転換 : 事務所建築物と集合住宅を対象として
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The purpose of this study is to clarify, from a macro-scale viewpoint, the characteristics of urban density growth and patterns of land use change in Tokyo 23 wards from 1991 to 2001, which corresponds to a period of recession. The changes in urban density and former land use where office buildings and multiple dwelling units (MDUs) were located are measured quantitatively. The number of office buildings increased while the number of MDUs hardly changed. However, due to mass construction of high-rise buildings, both the density surfaces of urban office buildings and MDUs developed significantly during the decade. The highest density of office buildings was observed in three wards of central Tokyo. Because numerous office buildings were constructed in those areas, the accumulation of office buildings shows a growing tendency. Construction of many MDUs in commercial and business areas became a factor enhancing population inflows to central Tokyo. The characteristics of the former land use of MDUs differ by area. Some of the highest density spots for the total floor space of MDUs in 2001 are found in the eastern part of Tokyo because high-rise MDUs accumulated in empty lots where factories or warehouses had been located. The former land use was closely related to areal differences in increasing urban density caused by the City Planning Law or the Building Standard Law.
- 社団法人 東京地学協会の論文
- 2008-04-25
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