- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper discusses spatial analysis and applicable tools available in GIS environments. Since the 1990s, organizations conducting research in the field of Geographic Information Science (GISci) have been developing software packages and extension toolboxes for spatial analysis. Many researchers dealing with spatial phenomena have little knowledge of the wide selection of GISci applications that can be applied to spatial analysis in their research. They can benefit from information and direction on valuable computational resources that can be applied to their specific research problems. FreeSAT, an online portal, has been constructed to provide researchers with information on spatial analysis tools. The FreeSAT website provides links to a wide variety of spatial analysis tools and information on specific research problems to which these tools can be applied. This paper also discusses various computational methods for spatial analysis, such as the nearest neighbor distance, K-function, Voronois tessellation, and Huff-based marketing methods, which are all found at the FreeSAT site. It also provides detailed discussions on the application of Spatial Data Analysis Machine (SDAM) and Spatial Analysis on a NETwork (SANET) toolboxes to spatial analysis. While most toolboxes of this type are developed by organizations in the United States or Europe, both SDAM and SANET were developed by organizations in Japan.
- 社団法人 東京地学協会の論文
- 2008-04-25
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