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The soil Contamination Countermeasures Law (referred to hereafter as the Law) was legislated to prevent damage to health from toxic substances (<I>e.g.</I> As, Cd, and Pb) in soils and sediments, caused by oral ingestion of these toxic substances through drinking ground water and eating foods containing fine-grained soil and sediment particles.<BR>To apply the Law, we must judge whether soils have high toxic metal concentrations or high leachabilities caused by anthropogenic or natural processes. If high toxic metal concentrations or high leachabilities are caused by natural processes, administration of the Law should not oblige landowners, managers, and occupiers of contaminated sites to remedy them. Therefore, it is essential to determine natural levels of As, Cd, and Pb concentrations and their leachabilities in soils and sediments. We also need to evaluate the potential risk of natural contamination and potential harm to human health.<BR>We obtained toxic metal concentrations of rocks, sediments, and soils in the Anesaki and Sendai areas, as well as their leachabilities, to publish “Geochemistry of rocks, sediments, and soils of these areas”. Arsenic, Cd, and Pb concentrations in these areas are lower than the regulated level (150 mg/kg) under the Law. However, the leachabilities of some marine sediments are higher than regulated levels (0.01 mg/L) under the Law.<BR>The arsenic leachabilities of some marine sediment samples become higher as the pH of the leaching test solution increases, because As occurs as an anion in the test solution, and is absorbed efficiently by allophane and iron oxyhidrite as pH increases. The arsenic concentration of the leaching test solution will be higher than regulated levels, when the sediment releases calcium ions and pH increases.<BR>Meanwhile, cadmium leachabilities of some marine sediment samples become higher as the pH of the test solution decreases, because Cd occurs as a cation in the solution and will be absorbed by these minerals efficiently as pH decreases. The cadmium concentration of the leaching test solution will be higher than regulated levels, when the sediment releases sulfate ions and pH decreases.<BRSome Tatsunokuchi sediments in the Sendai area are characterized by high Cd (>10 mg/ kg) and high Cd/Zn ratio (>0.2). These values are similar to those of seawater suggesting that seawater is the main source of Cd and Zn, and that they were concentrated in the sediment. Such a high Cd sediment must be treated carefully to prevent soil and river contamination.
- 社団法人 東京地学協会の論文
- 2007-12-25
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- 34 微生物の重粒子線耐性およびX線耐性 : たんぽぽ計画の予備実験(一般講演,第34回学術講演会講演要旨集)
- 12 ホスファターゼ活性を用いた海底熱水系地下生物圏の探索(一般講演,第31回学術講演会講演要旨集)
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- 豊羽鉱山及び水曜海山の熱水系深部のフォスファターゼ活性
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- 過去1万年の現世たい積物に含まれるバイオマーカーと地下生命活動に関する相関係数の算出
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- 土壌・地質汚染問題に対する資源地質の役割
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- A23 島弧型デイサイト質海底熱水系におけるアミノ酸の起源は無生物的か生物的か
- A7. 合成フェリハイドライトの生成条件とその鉱物学的特徴(第48回粘土科学討論会発表論文抄録)
- A28 大都市圏土壌の重金属吸着特性について
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- B22 土壌鉱物の有害元素吸着能
- 土壌汚染調査のための簡易分析技術--いかに迅速かつ正確に現場で特定有害重金属汚染を評価するか
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- B21 アロフェン・イモゴライト質軽石を用いた湖沼浄化
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- B13 豊羽鉱山熱水沈殿物中に含まれる粘土鉱物の組成分析
- 自然由来の有害重金属等の実態と溶出量が増加する場合の識別法
- A12. 赤外線分光光度計による地すべり粘土の簡易同定法について(第48回粘土科学討論会発表論文抄録)
- 進歩総説 土壌と底質の分析
- 自然由来の重金属等の多様性と対応策(シンポジウム,テーマ「自然由来の環境問題」)
- 自然由来の重金属に起因する土壌汚染問題への地球科学的アプローチ
- 自然由来の重金属に起因する土壌汚染問題の現状と対策 (小特集 自然由来の重金属問題)
- 韓国資源環境地質学会に参加して
- 地圏・水圏の有害重金属挙動に対する粘土の役割(地球サブシステムとしての粘土圏の役割 : 環境親和物質としての粘土)
- S1 地圏・水圏の有害重金属挙動に対する粘土の役割
- O-79 汚染土壌の形態分析(8. Natural AttenuationとNatural Analog-Green Geologyの確立のために-,口頭発表,一般講演)
- O-80 天然鉱物を用いた重金属の不溶化(8. Natural AttenuationとNatural Analog-Green Geologyの確立のために-,口頭発表,一般講演)
- O-78 現場における卓上型X線装置を用いた重害金属分析(8. Natural AttenuationとNatural Analog-Green Geologyの確立のために-,口頭発表,一般講演)