Improved Measurement of the Rossiter-McLaughlin Effect in the Exoplanetary System HD 17156
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-10-25
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
HIRANO Teruyuki
Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
WINN Joshua
Department of Physics and Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Massachusetts Institu
SUTO Yasushi
Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
Princeton University Observatory
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
TAMURA Motohide
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University
Yamashita T
Astronomical Institute Tohoku University
Matsuo Taro
Dep. Of Earth And Space Sci. Graduate School Of Sci. Osaka Univ.
須藤 靖
須藤 靖
須藤 靖
須藤 靖
Suto Yasushi
Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
須藤 靖
Suto Y
Univ. Tokyo
Matsumoto T
Osaka Univ. Osaka
Yasuda Tatsuki
Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University
Physical Sciences, Hiroshima University
Aoki W
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Tokyo
Tamura Motohide
National Astronomical Observatory
Yamada Toru
Astronomical Institute Tohoku University
Aoki Wako
National Astronomical Observatory
Tamura M
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
須藤 靖
Suto Yasushi
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
SUTO Yasushi
Uji Research Center, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Turner Edwin
Department Of Astrophysical Sciences Princeton University
Matsumoto Takuji
Department Of Machine Intelligence And System Engineering Intelligent System Design Laboratory Tohok
Winn Joshua
Department Of Physics And Kavli Institute For Astrophysics And Space Research Massachusetts Institut
Tazawa Yuji
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University:department Of Physics Kyoto University
Tawara Y
Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Soong Y
Nasa/goddard Spoace Flight Center
Hirano Teruyuki
Department Of Physics The University Of Tokyo
Hirano Teruyuki
Department Of Neurology Graduate School Of Medical Science Kumamoto University
Yamashita T
National Astronomical Observatory
Yamamoto Tetsuo
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Yamada Toru
Astronomical Institute Tohoke University
Yamada Toru
Astronomical Institute Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
SUTO Yasushi
Department of Physics and Research Center for the Early University School of Science, University of Tokyo
SUTO Yasushi
Research Center for the Early Universe, University of Tokyo
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