Bispectrum and Nonlinear Biasing of Galaxies : Perturbation Analysis, Numerical Simulation, and SDSS Galaxy Clustering
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Astronomical Society of Japanの論文
- 2007-02-25
SUTO Yasushi
Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
須藤 靖
須藤 靖
須藤 靖
須藤 靖
Suto Yasushi
Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
須藤 靖
Suto Y
Univ. Tokyo
TARUYA Atsushi
Department of Physics, School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Physical Sciences, Hiroshima University
Yamamoto Kazuhiro
Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Department of Physics, School of Science, The University of Tokyo
YAHATA Kazuhiro
Department of Physics, School of Science, The University of Tokyo
KAYO Issha
Department of Physics and Astrophysics, Nagoya University
JING Yipeng
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
Department of Physics and Astrophysics, Nagoya University
The Partner Group of MPI fur Astrophysik, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania
須藤 靖
Suto Yasushi
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
SUTO Yasushi
Uji Research Center, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Jing Y.
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
Kayo Issha
Department Of Physics And Astrophysics Nagoya University
Sheth Ravi
Department Of Physics And Astronomy University Of Pittsburgh
Sheth Ravi
Department Of Physics & Astronomy University Of Pennsylvania
Hikage Chiaki
Department Of Physics And Astrophysics Nagoya University
Taruya A
Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Taruya Atsushi
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Soong Y
Nasa/goddard Spoace Flight Center
Yahata Kazuhiro
Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Nishimichi Takahiro
Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Taruya Atsushi
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
SUTO Yasushi
Department of Physics and Research Center for the Early University School of Science, University of Tokyo
SUTO Yasushi
Research Center for the Early Universe, University of Tokyo
Department of Physics and Research Center for the Early University School of Science, University of Tokyo
TARUYA Atsushi
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
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- 6 学力問題プロジェクトに関する私見
- 観測的宇宙論の問題点(観測的宇宙論における諸問題,研究会報告)
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