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Contact wires used in feeding system for electric railroad are insulated by insulators. However, insulation of an insulator sometimes breaks down by surface dirt of an insulator and contact with a bird. The insulator breakdown derives a ground fault in feeding system. Ground fault will cause a human electric shock and a destruction of low voltage electric equipment. In order to prevent the damage by ground fault, an S-type horn has been applicable as equipped on insulators of negative feeder and protective wire until present. However, a concrete pole breaks down at the time of the ground fault because a spark-over voltage of the S-type horn is higher than a breakdown voltage of a concrete pole. Farther, the S-type horn installed in the steel tube pole does not discharge a case, because the earth resistance of a steel tube pole is very small. We assumed that we could solve these troubles by changing the power frequency spark-over voltage of the S-type horn from 12kV to 3kV. Accordingly, we developed an attachment gap that should be used to change the power frequency spark-over voltage of the S-type horn from 12kV to 3kV. The attachment gap consists of a gas gap arrester and a zinc oxide element. By the dynamic current test and the artificial ground fault test, we confirmed that the attachment gap in the S-type horn could prevent a trouble at the time of the ground fault.
- 2009-10-01
安喰 浩司
森本 大観
下川 文幸
酒井 信也
佐々木 一臣
佐藤 了吾
安喰 浩司
(財)鉄道総合技術研究所 電力技術研究部 き電研究室
安喰 浩司
佐藤 了吾
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