Mortality rates of community-residing adults with and without dentures
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-09-01
Sasaki Hidetada
Akita Nursing And Welfare University
ANDO Yuichi
Department of Organ Transplantation and Surgery,Institute of Medical Science,University of Tokyo
Inoue Masakazu
Kagoshima University
FUKAI Kakuhiro
Fukai Institute of Health Science
Fukai Institute of Health Science
AOYAMA Hitoshi
Department of Dental Hygiene and Technology, Tochigi Prefectural Medical and Social Welfare College
Miyako Public Health Center
ITO Gakuji
Kagoshima University
ANDO Yuichi
National Institute of Public Health, Department of Oral Health
Ando Yuichi
Department Of Oral Health National Institute Of Public Health
Aoyama Hitoshi
Department Of Dental Hygiene And Technology Tochigi Prefectural Medical And Social Welfare College
SASAKI Hidetada
Sendai Tomizawa Hospital
Ando Yuichi
Department Of Clinical Oncology And Chemotherapy Nagoya University Hospital
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